Kamis, 08 Oktober 2015

Fruit is good choice for Diet Natural

There are some nice pieces for a diet that can help you lose weight naturally. Rich in fiber that helps make efficient digestion and low in calories as the main reason fruit is suitable for consumption during a diet program. Almost all programs ideal healthy diet and encourage the consumption of fruits. Vegetables and fruits are becoming one of the mayo required in the diet. Do not eat fruit while dieting will make weight and body awake or stretch.

In addition to the purpose of diet, nutrients and vitamins in the various types of fruit also has many health benefits. So basically eat fruit not only intended or required for people who are dieting alone, but also for all healthy people in order to remain able to maintain their health. A healthy diet is a program that diet and lifestyle to be healthier and better aimed at keeping excess weight could be immediately reduced. There are so many diet programs that were created and published. However, it is also quite a lot of people who diet programs fail. Approximately what causes it?Eating Fruit is good for Diet For Quick Weight Loss Down
Most errors are usually done by someone who failed at the end of the diet program are those who do not keep up with a healthy diet and are also not balanced with exercise. Sometimes there are people who really do not like fruit and vegetable consumption only. While it may seem trivial, but the role of fruit certainly can not be replaced entirely with vegetables. Exercising regularly during your diet program is also very important. These things are the key to success to lose weight naturally.
Then, any fruit suitable to help you lose weight? Here's more.1. Bananas
Bananas are one of a kind pieces that are easily found in tropical regions such as in Indonesia. And around your home, you certainly have no trouble finding a banana tree or banana fruit seller. Basically a lot of benefits or property that you can get from these bananas. And one of the benefits is to launch your diet program. Bananas are high in fiber and very low in calories and also, so that to this day is still a fruit bananas are great for diet and much liked by people because it is also delicious. Besides the fruit is synonymous with a yellow or green also contains complex carbohydrates are good for diet.2. Apples
Fruit is good for the next diet is apples. Type of fruit that sometimes red, green or yellow is one fruit that tastes delicious and scrumptious to be made into a variety of preparations. Call it apple juice, apple chips, and so on. This is the kind of apple fruit that contains many of the nutrients needed by the body and are consumed daily. For those of you who are on a diet, you can replace your snacks with apples. Just like bananas, apples also contain high fiber which is good for digestion. Additionally, you realize when you bite the apple, the apple can keep your dental health.3. Papaya
Papaya fruit is a fruit diet is a very good companion and a lot of benefits. As we all know, papaya is one type of fruit which is very high fiber content sehigga by eating papaya can also help maintain your digestive health. So what hubugannya with diet? Of course there, so if the digestive tract working properly, then the piles of fat in the body will also be lost from the body and the weight loss process faster. In addition to people who are dieting, for those who are newly pregnant or elderly papaya fruit is very much beneficial for the smooth bowel movement.

Sabtu, 26 September 2015


Even the current Buick Verano is only three years old, GMC has decided to launch the new version of this magnificent car - 2016 Buick Verano.

2016 Buick Verano specs

2016 Buick Verano have the same D2XX (Delta II platform) global platform of GM as the next generation Chevrolet Cruze and the second generation Chevrolet Volt. According to some sources and spy photos, it will share some physical characteristics such as Chevy Cruze, Opel Astra sedan etc.. New Verano have longer wheelbase and a few lines as Buick LaCrosse. 2016 Chevy Volt Release date But, when we talk about styling, it's for certain how the new Verano will look very similar to the Mercedes-Benz CLA-Class. At the rear end of the vehicle we will see new and redesigned tail lamps and a higher position in a position. We could also see flatter front design and C-pillar behind glass. With the lower roofline than the current Verano, the front end of the vehicle will be inclined with lowered waterfall grille and new headlights. As far as interior design is concerned, as we have said, Delta II platform to give this car a bit of the same architecture as Chevrolet Cruze. It is sure that it is on the highest level to be luxury. Lowered roofline with streamlined lines will have a great influence on the new design.


The current Verano in the base trim is underpinned with 2.4-liter four-cylinder engine, which is able to produce 180 horsepower and in Verano Turbo with the 2.0-liter turbo four, who are able, 250 to produce horsepower is to trim. New 2016 Buick Verano to new GM Ecotec engine adopted together with the 250 hp 2.0 turbo. You will come with front-wheel drive.

Release date and price

We can expect that the new Verano hits the showrooms sometime next year as a 2017 model. Its main competitors Acura ILX, his Audi A3 and Mercedes-Benz CLA-Class. The price for the base model 2016 Buick Verano is around $ 30,000.


Finally, the end of the waiting came to new generation of one of the most ardent and charismatic vehicles. We welcome new 2016 Buick LaCrosse talking.

Design and changes

2016 Buick LaCrosse is the first member of the third generation of this model, and it will come with the complete redesign. New design is based on the popular Elmiraj concept with a lot of luxury and elegance. The new four-door sedan is II platform are underpinned with new Omega, so it will be a little longer, but less severe. In addition to the new platform engineers have lightweight materials are used to increase performance and fuel consumption. 2016 Audi A3 Release date New model with the support of chromed and polished and wider grille offer more stylish front end. Also, it is vertical, beautiful headlamp design, are equipped with LED technology. We should also expect wider range of exterior colors and a few new wheel. From the train, with the larger body, we more and more space in the cabin and even more comfort for passengers. The interior of the new Buick LaCrosse have great and elegant look with a lot of the latest technological features, making the ride very comfortable in it. Some of them are new infotainment system, touch-screen display, new audio system, automatic climate control, navigation system, and many others, as well as some security features.

2016 Buick LaCrosse powertrain

When it comes to the performance of the new 2016 Buick LaCrosse, it will likely be equipped with GM 3.6-liter Twin Turbo LF3 V6 engine. This engine is to produce 430 lb-ft of torque capable of more than 420 horsepower. New model will also be offered as a hybrid model. Which is 2.4 liter ECOTEC direct injection engine, which produces more than 180 horsepower.

Release date and expected price

The 2016 Buick LaCrosse should be presented in 2016. As for the price of the public in the late 2015 as a 2016 years model before spring, but mass production is not expected anything to be announced. According to some rumors price will not be lower than $ 30,000.

Selasa, 05 Mei 2015

Cara Membersihkan Karang Gigi Secara Alami

Cara Membersihkan Karang Gigi Secara Alami

1. Menyikat Gigi dengan benar.
Menyikat gigi merupakan hal yang harus dilakukan setiap hari 2 kali sehari, terutama setelah sarapan dan sebelum tidur. Adapun cara menyikat gigi dengan benar adalah dengan cara gigi bagian atas, disikat dari atas ke bawak sedangkan bagian bawah, dari bawah keatas.

2. Biji asam kawak
- Panggang biji asam kawak.
- Lalu haluskan.
- Gunakan bubuk ini untuk gosok gigi.
- Bisa menggunakan sikat gigi atau dengan mengunakan kapas.
- Lalu bersihkan dengan air.
- Lakukan hal ini secara rutin.

3. Cengkeh
- Siapkan 7 siung cengkeh.
- Lalu tumbuk sampai halus.
- Gunakan hasil tumbukan untuk menggosok gigi.
- setelah selesai bilas dengan air.
- Lakukan secara rutin untuk hasil yang maksimal.

Resep Tradisional Kue Basah

Berikut Merupakan Resep Tradisional Kue Basah
Bahan utama :
  • 600 ml santan dari 1 btr kelapa
  • daun pandan secukupnya
  • 200 gr tepung beras
  • 100 gr sagu kanji
  • 1/4 sdt Garam atau secukupnya
  • 1/4 sdt vanili atau secukupnya

Bahan B :
  • Daun pisang secukupnya untuk bungkus
  • Pisang raja/kepok secukupnya, potong serong

Cara Membuat :
  1. Campurkan semua bahan utama
  2. Masaka sambil diaduk hingga mengental. 
  3. Jika sudah mengental matikan api.
  4. Ambil 2 sendok makan adonan lalu letakan di atas daun pisang lalu dibungkus jangan lupa masukan terlebih dahulu potongan pisangnya.
  5. Kukus selama 30 menit.
  6. Sajikan selagi hangat agar lebih nikmat

Pisang ambon

PIsang merupakan buah yang sangat mudah dijumpai di Indonesia ini. Buah yang murah dan bermanfaat bagi kesehatan ini sangat mudah didapatkan di pasar-pasar tradisional maupun super market. Buah pisang memiliki banyak macam jenis salah satunya adalah pisang Ambon, yang merupakan salah satu pisang asli Indonesia. Buah pisang ini memiliki banyak khasiat untuk kesehatan tubuh manusia. 
Pisang ambon merupakan buah pisang yang banyak dibudidayakan oleh masyarakat. Ia menjadi alternatif buah yang biasa digunakan untuk cuci mulut. Tapi apakah Anda tahu manfaat dari buah ambon?. Berikut Manfaat buah pisang ambon untuk kesehatan seperti yang dilansir manfaat.co.id:

1. Sebagai Sumber Energi
Pisang ambon mengandung kalori sebanyak 99kkal/100 gram. Sehingga pisang ambon menyumbang tambahan kalori yang dibutuhkan tubuh pada saat metabolisme. Walaupun hanya mengandung sedikit kalori pisang ambon dapat dijadikan sebagai alternatif pada saat perut lapar.
2. Kandungan Asam Folat
Pisang ambon mengadung asam folat sehingga direkomendasikan untuk para ibu hamil. Asam folat sangat dibutuhkan janin untuk perkembangan otaknya dan sumsum tulang belakang sang janin. Kekurangan asam folat dapat menyebabkan gangguan perkembangan otak dan sumsum tulang belakang pada janin. Yang dapat menyababkan kelumpuhan, kerusakan jaringan otak dan dapat menyebabkan keguguran.

3. Mengobati anemia
Pisang ambonmemiliki kandungan zat besi dan Fe, yang diketahui dapat membantu dalam mengatas Anemia. Pisang ambon dapat manbantu Anda yang sering mengalami lemah dan lesu, dengan meningkatkan jumlah sel-sel darah dalam tubuh.